Friday, April 10, 2009

And This is Just Creepy

This is just going to add to the "Obama is the Antichrist" pile and I'll undoubtedly be labeled as a FEAR MONGER, but this is just too creepy (although not unexpected) and entertaining enough (I thought of posting it on another blog) to warrant it.

*As I was typing this, I had to go and edit the HTML and I saw the video again. When I heard the backward speech of President Obama again, it sent a shiver up my neck.
Of course, not to be confused with a "loving" tingle up the leg.

And just for more f-u-n:

Look, you can say and comment what you want, this is just eerie. I've heard this stuff before from different people like Bill Clinton, when he was talking about how "we can all get along," blah blah blah, apparently while a buxom reporter was in the front row and in reverse speech, he said something like (I'm paraphrasing) "Nice cans!"

And don't you lefties out there accuse me of "Oh, there he goes, calling Obama the Antichrist!"
I mean, like he said at the end of the video, you guys did this to Bush like, six times a day.
So relax.
But, uh, have you seen this? Or this? Or any of these 892, 000 pages?
Yeah. I'll admit (and I hope he's embellishing on these "visions") the "IS Obama guy" is a little out there.


More on reverse speech...
Yeah, I know you could have done that yourself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally creepy. Just pure coincidence (probably)...

10:16 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

I don't know Kris. Remember what the dude said about trying to copy the results using his own voice?

10:45 am  
Anonymous Joe Liberal said...

Let me express this is a steaming pile of horse shit.

The video 'editor' and Obama apparently do not share linguistic pattern(s).
Besides, it sounds like Obama says "salt peter", or possibly "Shadoe Stevens".

1970 called, they want their Black Sabbath album back.

6:35 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Please don't curse on my blog. I almost deleted your comment because of it.

Your "scientific" explanation is a pretty good one, actually.

But take it easy, as stated, it's all in good fun. Jeez.

Oh yeah.."1970 called, they want their Black Sabbath album back.


11:16 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

But he definately said "Serve Satan." After all he is the Antichrist! Ha!!

11:31 am  

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