Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Well, He Tried

I'll give him credit for that much. But as always, no matter who's in charge, those sheepish Europeans would have none of it. Remember folks, contrary to popular (and misguided) belief, President Bush at least had the ears of the allies after 9/11, not to mention their (albeit brief) accord with the former president. Obama, as it turns out, doesn't seem to have that type of influence. Funny, seeing how he's the The One and all.


Anonymous Joe Liberal said...

Oh no !!! 70 odd days in and he doesn't have EVERYBODY on his side yet!!!

7:45 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Have ya noticed even the "moderate" or Reagan Democrats (oh how you lefties HATE that term) and even liberal reporters (the ones with any guts that is) are starting to ask what and why? Of course they better hope the plane they're on is on the ground, because it's a long way down when he kicks them off.

By the way, wasn't EVERYBODY on his side already? Doesn't the world love him unconditionally?

Now, Joe, don't choke on those sour grapes, buddy.

11:45 am  
Anonymous Joe Liberal said...

Not everybody.
Myopic much?

8:50 pm  

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