Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Another Assination Plot Against the President

Another foiled assassination plot on the life of President Obama was reported Tuesday. Turkish police arrested a man, who claim are there are at least two other conspirators.

The Jerusalem Post reports in its lead,
"The Secret Service in Washington said Monday night that Turkish National Police arrested the man last Friday in Istanbul. Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan said the president was never in any immediate danger, as Obama arrived in Turkey on Sunday, two days after the man's arrest.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is the third plot to be broken up. If you remember, there were the three cowardly white supremacists back in August of last year, although the charges against them were dropped (!?)

Then there were two more supremacists back in October that wanted to do the President in while wearing white tuxedos.

I'm afraid this won't be the last.


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