Saturday, April 04, 2009

So, Bush was secretive, manipulitive and a shredder of the Constitution? Check out how the Annointed One is making sure everyone know "he won." From kicking reporters off of airplanes that dare question him, to now "keeping score" with any Democrat that doesn't fall wholeheartedly inline with his socialistic policies and ideas.

Isn't this guy the epitome of "change?"
Well he did "change" one thing, he sure has the MSM in his back pocket and has actually conned people into not questioning anything he does through the threat of "executive privilege."

If only W. had it this good.


Anonymous Joe Liberal said...

"If only W. had it this good."

President Obama finds it necessary to try to rein in the MSM. W. let them have freewill and they made a mockery of him.

9:57 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Is that how you define "reining in" the media? By shutting them down? By kicking them off of planes because they're getting to close to a subject Obama can't answer with out his teleprompter?

Bush certainly gave them free will (as in freedom of the press-and remember you admitted that) to make a mockery of him, but is it the press's job to mock the President? I guess so, but only if you're designated with an (R).

By the way, when you say "reining in," do you mean "in his back pocket?"

7:16 pm  
Anonymous Joe Liberal said...

You and I have discussed the MSM ad nauseum. We're living in a society of irresponsible media. ANYBODY with an opinion can now broadcast it around the world these days.
Just because Mr Bush was assailed massively by the said scumbags and did NOTHING to stop them doesn't mean Mr Obama is a bad guy for doing what he is doing. Don't worry, they'll turn on Mr Obama as well.
I think that IF the MSM was treated sternly by Mr Bush in the early going they MAY not have turned on him as strongly...until it was a bloodbath by year 6. Mr Bush NEEDED the MSM in his early days in the first term, especially with the terrorist acts of September 11th, 2001.

And no, i'm not of the 'Back Pocket' Conspiracy.

But, as we all know, give the scribe a quill and ink.....

7:29 am  

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