Thursday, April 02, 2009

Michael Moore's Hypocritical Take on the GM CEO Dismissal

Normally, I would never put any quote or opinion by the pathetic, manipulative, lying, piece of garbage that Michael Moron is on my blog. But I came across this piece (it was linked to his site-I would never voluntarily go to such a wateland of liberal crap) authored by Moore on how completely and blindly in love with Obama he really is. Just check out the hypocrisy he writes about, especially on the differences between Obama and Bush, and how Obama, in his eyes, "can do what he [Obama] sees fit." and "The government of, by, and for the people is in charge here, not big business."

As long as a Dem is in the White House, there are no rules. The Constitution? Fagetaboutit. It's a "living, breathing, document," remember? Obama can do whatever he wants with it, because Michael Moore says so.

By the way, about this "The government of, by, and for the people is in charge here, not big business" stuff; how would that affect his Haliburton stock?
Is it any wonder that this guy is becoming more and more irrelevent?

One more thing: Did you now know that the President is officially a superhero? Mm-hmm. All he needs now is that bright "red" cape that will be sewn together by Moore's own loving fingers. Aw, muffin.


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