Sunday, March 29, 2009

Where Are They Now?

I've been saying this for months, now. Where in the world are all the Code Pinks, Michael Moores and the Cindy Sheehan-types that constantly beraded the Bush administration for being "war criminals" and waging an "illegal" and "immoral' war? Why aren't they chastizing President Obama for escalating the war in Afghanistan and killing inocent civilians? Wheres the outrage?

Once again (and again and again) now that Das Wunderkit is in charge and he's giving the orders to put people to death, it's o.k. now.

Some of the left-wing loons that called Bush a "murderer" and "Hitler" even support the surge of troops into Afghanistan and it's escalation.
Even though the author wants you to think otherwise, the "Afghanistan plan" of Obama's is no different than Bush's. Bush never, not once, said that the military could do it all and is the only viable solution. How do you think the loyalty of Muqtada al-Sadr's militia "loyalty" changed from al Queda to America? Yeah, he was paid off, but whatever works, right? That's certainly the jist of Soltz's article. But no credit to Bush for doing what Obama wants to do, but yet the new president gets all the glory for something that hasn't even been put into practice.

I will say that this is one area that I hope Obama succeeds, however it gets done.

Will wonders never cease? The creeps.


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