Friday, March 27, 2009

Great Response to Those Who Think Dissent is "Un-Patriotic"

Remember all the Bush-bashing from every single Democrat saying they wanted Bush to fail? You don't? Hmm. I'm sure the MSM would have made that obvious comparison by now. I wonder what the hold-up is?

Anyway, every Dem from Weasel Harry and Blinky Pelosi to John Marry-a-rich-woman-to sustain-my-career Kerry and Hillary "Dodge those snipers" Clinton said "the war is lost," (meaning the soldiers are failures as well, I guess) "We all believe that current administration policies have failed in the primary responsibilities of preserving national security and providing world leadership . . . We need a change." - Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change, a group of 27 former U.S. diplomats and military officials.

And there are lots more. So you see, many people were hoping to see Bush (or his policies)"fail"
But don't you dare say anything detrimental about President Obama, ohh no. Oh yeah, and lay off his ears!

But the real point to all of this is that Bobby Jindal says "It's o.k."
He may not have looked to good giving the GOP response to Obama's "kind-of-State-of-the-Union" address, but boy, can he make a point.


Blogger Adrienne said...

I loved that he said that. He's a breath of fresh air like Palin. Also, did you see that Fred Thompson also said he wants Obama to fail. I love it.

12:09 pm  

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