Friday, April 03, 2009

Biden Takes Credit for Bush Funding

So, what else is new? Look, as pitiful as this is to say, I like Joe Biden. I think he's a fumbling, walking gaffe most times, but he did (somewhat) defend Sarah Palin from the one-sided media onslaught that she unfairly recieved and he did salute President Bush when he was lifted out of Washington during Obama's innauguration. Overall, he's a decent man, but who-ho nelly, does this boy ever make it easy to jump on every one of those gaffes.

Once again, Bush does something wrong, you never hear the end of it. He does something worth while that should temper all this hatred for him, if the MSM did their job and the country knew the truth, and someone else takes the credit. All the while the MSM knows the truth, yet decide not to let you know it. Kind of like that whole "Roosevelt went on TV during the depression" thing. Nobody in the left-wing media said a word.

Welcome to Obama Nation.


Blogger Adrienne said...

I agree with you on your opinion of Joe Biden. I feel the same way. I think of him as more of a silly buffoon-type than anything. I really liked him during the VP debate with Palin. He almost seemed delighted to be debating her and realized her intelligence, rather than just saying she's stupid like everyone else did.

6:27 pm  

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