Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Man Who Shot Pope Reportedly Converts to Catholicism

Sorry for the pun, but, this is a switch...
Remember, it said "reportedly." We'll see.


Anonymous Joe Liberal said...

Going from 'Religion of Intolerance' to 'Religion of Hocus-Pocus' doesn't seem like a well thought out move to me.

At least he didn't move to ANOTHER 'Religion of Intolerance' (Fundimental Christianity)

10:06 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

as for the "Hocus-Pocus" stuff. SAYS YOU!!

But I can't totally disagree with your second point. The fundamentalists of any religion are just out there.

2:46 pm  
Anonymous Joe Liberal said... for the "Hocus-Pocus" stuff. SAYS YOU!!I know, that's why my 'name' is above it.

Sorry to offend your fragile sensibilities, but for me there's been too much hypocracy veiling the misdeeds of The Catholic Church.

3:15 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Agreed. But do you not agree that the MSM is hypocritical for not reporting the misdeeds of say, radical Islam?

Tell me that the world wouldn't shift it's focus onto those maniacs if they did? I know you agree about malfeasences of the MSM, but do you agree that radical Islam and evil nutbags therein are sheilded by the media? ALL media?

If so, apart from the child molestation (and they should be publicly hung for it) what "misdeeds" does the Church do worse than them?

3:31 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Case in point:

3:32 pm  
Anonymous Joe Liberal said...

We've discussed ad nauseum the MSM is filthy.

By pointing out and condemning OTHER races/religions/creeds, we lower their status and, by default, raise our status.
We have so many problems in North America to deal with.... can we start here at home FIRST ??

SO WHAT if Radical Islam beheads each other over there?? Just because their way is different,

Now, IF it were to happen on American soil or to an American, then please, reply with extreme vengeance.
Otherwise, let them live their lives in their own backward way.
STOP trying to convert Islam. You're wasting your time.

4:08 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Oops. Wrong link. Diregard.

12:28 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Ok class, we're going to have to start paying attention, here.

I was not refering to what "they do over there." But on that subject, how can any nation that claims to subscribe to human rights allow women to be publicly executed for showing their ankles? Just because they're stuck in the 12th century doesn't mean they don't have to abide by international law. It goes waaayy beyond "their way is different." I'm not simply talking about their customs and traditions, I'm talking about basic human rights. I believe we both can agree on stoning a 13-year-old girl to death because her boyfriend isn't of the same religious sect or having a 12-year-old boy publicly behead someone over a percieved insult is sick, no matter where it is or how long it's been going on.

Nobody is trying to convert Islam (although I can't say the same for them) What is happening (and should be done) is getting them (and by that I mean the Islamists, not followers of Islam) to join the 21st century and a law-abiding international League of Nations.
(no Bush references, please. It's not even close to the same thing, plus he had the executive power given to him by a Democratic Congress, and you know it)

Whenever a Christian says boo about anything that upsets their sensibilities, they are mocked and chastised, yet not a soul say ANYTHING about Islamists blowing up their own children for a political cause? Why? Because it's "over there?" and it's "their way?" That's ludicris. I thought liberals fought for the little guy. I guess only within their own borders when it'll get votes.

As for "If it happened to an American..." Does Daniel Pearl (for starters) ring a bell?
What difference does it make where it happened? I don't care if it's Timbuktoo (sp?) or Walla Walla, Washington, it's evil, pure and simple.

12:49 am  
Anonymous Joe Independent said...

I don't care if it's Timbuktu or Walla Walla, Washington, it's evil, pure and simple.True, it IS evil.

I just wish we would fix the problems WITHIN our OWN borders first...

8:05 am  

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