Friday, May 01, 2009

Souter to Retire...Obama Gets His First Pick

The Supreme Court is definitely due for a shake-up. With Justice David Souter's decision to retire at the end of this term, President Barack Obama will get his first unexpected pick to fill his seat on the bench of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Listen. I don't sweat the 60-seat, filibuster-proof Democrat Congress (assuming that Stuart Smalley-and no, people don't like you) wins his court battle against Republican incumbent, Norm Coleman. Why? Do you really think Barack Obama wants to have untethered power and have everything he wants to slide unopposed through Congress? Do you reall ythink he wants to have no one to blame but himself, so when 2012 roles around, he'll actually be in danger of being responsible for his own actions and that of his party? Not if he wants a second term, he won't.

Plus, there are still those Reagan Democrats in there, as well. They're not going to just roll over just for the sake of it. Of course, they'll take a lot of heat from Blinky Pelosi and Weasel Harry. They may even be forced out of the party. Remember Joe Lieberman?

I wouldn't sweat it.

Even Aren Spector switching parties (obviously an attempt at saving his political career, he's in big against his GOP opponent for his seat) won't make a difference, according to Spector, himself.
Hey good riddance. Remember, this was the guy who came up with the "magic bullet theory."


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