Thursday, July 30, 2009

CBS Details Obama Summer Vacation Plans

Let's hear it for my 1000th post. Yay for me. It took me just over three years, but I got there.

Anyway, CBS in all their ridiculous wisdom has decided to let the public at large and possibly nutbags in particular know where the President of the United States, and his family no less, are spending their summer vacation. Nevermind that Obama has been in office for just over six months and is already on vacation (I only bring this up because George W. Bush was attacked mercilessly for vacationing at all while issues of "extreme importance" were going on-although he really never was on "vacation," the president never really is; but the comparison is rather ironic) but why would CBS, or any other news agency for that matter, tell the public where the president is going to be in advance?

Isn't this reminiscent of when the media, by the boatloads, were awaiting the landing of Marines prior to the war in Kosovo, 60 Minutes' stories on where terrorists "could strike" America's weak points, how the CIA could tell where Osama bin Laden was due to the type of rocks that were behind him in his videos or even the ill-fated parade route of John F. Kennedy?

What are they thinking?


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