Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The President's Six-Month Report Card

The accomplishments (or lack there of) of President Barack Obama, according to Big Hollywood's Frank DeMartini.

There were some very good points in there. But, a couple of sentences stood out in particular and they were this,
"The Taliban grows stronger and stronger each day. Maybe we need a Bush like surge in order to finally end the quagmire there?"
How come no one in the Senate or media is calling it a quagmire? Where are the Iraq or Vietnam comparisons? I don't expect a rush to political suicide from the Democrats in a call to bring the troops home, since it's their war now, but seriously.

And Boxer, in her return correspondence to DeMartini, keeps perpetuating the lie of " 45 million Americans are without health insurance," Anything to sell an agenda, I suppose.

I don't know if I'd go so far as to give the president an "F" because I did agree with some of Obama's decisions, such as putting the kibosh on the credit card companies and keeping the U.S. out of the so-called racism conference in Iran. And as of this writing, the president's pick for the Supreme Court, Judge Sonia Sotomayor is soon to be confirmed and that has to be viewed as an accomplishment no matter what your opinion of her. However with all the "failures" DeMartini mentions, especially with Obama's, so far, failing economic and foreign policies, I would have to give him a D- at best.


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