Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obama: Do As I Say, Not As I Do

After a mini-vacation since Friday, I'm back with a doozie. It appears President Obama (then senator-elect Obama) is showing a bit more hypocrisy in this long-forgotten, but newly found interview with former Air America personality, Randi Rhodes. In it he chastises former president, George W. Bush about rushing legislation through Congress without anybody really reading them.

BARACK OBAMA: ...When you rush these budgets that are a foot high and nobody has any idea what's in them and nobody has read them.

RANDI RHODES: 14 pounds it was!

BARACK OBAMA: Yeah. And it gets rushed through without any clear deliberation or debate then these kinds of things happen. And I think that this is in some ways what happened to the Patriot Act. I mean you remember that there was no real debate about that. It was so quick after 9/11 that it was introduced that people felt very intimidated by the administration.


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