Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Another Race-Baiter Crying Foul

So this "Joker" poster that has been spreading around Los Angeles is just another reason for the race-baiters to due their knee-jerk reaction thing and play the race card. Case in point, this hypocritical article in the on-line, L.A. Weekly Columnist, Steven Mikulan, apparently thinks that this poster is racist. "The only thing missing is the noose,' he says. What, in any plane of existence does this have to do with race? I mean, what is his point? That this is a portrait of a bizarro Al Jolsen?
In other words, what else is new?

I guess Mr. Mikulan didn't happen to see this picture of a "Jokered-up" Bush then?

Once again, anything said about Obama is racist, end of story. Somebody tell me when the left-wing media starts to see past their hypocritical noses.
As for the poster itself, I don't get the point of using a Joker paint job to sell the point of Obama being a socialist. We just have to listen to him and pay attention to his policies for that.


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