Thursday, September 10, 2009

Reaction to Health Care Speech

In my last post about President Obama's address to Congress, I stated he hit a triple when he needed to hit a home run. It appears he may have in fact have struck out entirely.

Of course, not according to CNN who put up a "poll" after the speech in which they want you to believe 2/3 people changed their minds about Obamacare. (you'll notice the comments following the article are overwhelmingly pro-Obamacare. And not surprising on a CNN poll, much like the reaction to Joe Wilson's "you lie" outburst. Out of all of these two stories, only one out of ten dissenting opinion per story? Nice cherry-picking of comments CNN) The only thing is, when they say there is an 18% jump in support for Obamacare after the speech, the "polled" were 45% Democrat and 18% Republican. Fair and balanced.

To her credit, CNN’s senior political correspondent Candy Crowley detailed the poll’s results on Anderson Cooper 360 less than an hour after the President delivered his speech on Wednesday evening, and the following morning on the American Morning program. Both times, she noted the oversampling of Democrats. She led her analysis on AC360 with a disclaimer: “Let- let me just sort of caveat this to death before we do it, and that is that- first of all, these are just people who watched the speech...It also skews heavily Democratic. We think that the Democratic sample in this flash poll is eight to 10 points higher than it is in the general population.”
Later she repeated the skew,
"There are some shortcomings to a poll like this. First of all, this isn’t all of America. This is from people who watched the speech. It is heavily weighted to Democrats."

The best intellectuals say Obama went flat. The liberal pundits say he was brilliant. Who has more substance and credibility?

Thomas Sowell-Listening to a Liar Part I, Part II.
Just a taste.


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