Thursday, October 22, 2009

Another Fake "Hate" Crime that Al Sharpton Got into Bed With

This guy sure knows how to pick 'em, huh? Whether it's Crown Heights, Tawana Brawley, Freddy's Fashion Mart, the Jena six, the Duke lacrosse team or now this, "Rev." Al Sharpton loves to hate whites, doesn't he? Ok, ok, he can't be completely blamed for this one; after all, there were confessions (for some reason) but when there's a chance for him to get up on his hypocritical soapbox, he never misses a chance. Where's the support of the black Belleville students who beat up the white student? Probably forthcoming.

If you noticed one of the (partial) comments made on the second page of the Megan Williams story, someone (writing under the name rtruth) wrote:
"...people will conveniently ignore this and instead use this as opportunity to take cheap shots at Al Sharpton and the NAACP. This child has mental problems and the Prosecutor understood that."
Cheap shots? I think accurate and deserving character assassination is more appropiate maybe the part about the mental problems is accurate, but how does that get Sharpton off the hook for all his other sins? He is a opportunist and one of the biggest racists on the planet, pure and simple. I'm still waiting for him to publicly appologize to the Duke team and New York prosecutor, Steven Pagones in the Brawley case.

Now you have Sharpton and Rush Limbaugh threatening to sue each other (actually Sharpton threatened Limbaugh, while Limbaugh thinking about suing CNN) over Limbaugh's comments regarding Sharpton and the Crown Heights ordeal, among others

I'm still waiting for him to publicly appologize to the Duke team and New York prosecutor, Steven Pagones. Sharpton was prosecuted for defamation and was ordered to pay $65,000 in punitive damages-which to this day he hasn't personally done. It was covered by donations to his "cause."

Eventually, the law of averages dictates that Sharpton just may yet be on the winning side of some racial dispute. But even so, my money is on him being on the wrong side of history again...and proud of it, with excuses and race-baiting not far behind.


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