Thursday, October 01, 2009

Say Goodbye to Your Rights Smokers

First it was the bars, all right fine. Public places. Then your car. A little too close for comfort when it comes to privacy, but moving on. Now, or soon to be...your own home. Listen I understand the whole "it's for the children" thing (if they actually do care for children that actually had the gaul to survive abortion these days) but this isn't about health. It's about your rapidly disinigrating right privacy and choice. Well, at least a different kind of choice.

As if smoking outside at a bus stop and being asked, nay, yelled at, to butt out isn't bad enough, now perveyors of destruction of everything private want to tell you what to do in your own home. This isn't the first story I've heard on this (although the other(s) weren't looking for finacial windfalls) but it certainly won't be the last.


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