Monday, January 04, 2010

Dems Continue War on Anybody Not Them

First they insult the American people with their Communist/Marxist doctrines (and actually by putting their names into the ring to get elected in the first place) then they call concerned and angry citizens a derogatory sexual name, declare war on a news organization that exposes their Marxist and un-American ways and now are going after Scott Rasmussen for letting people know that their overhaul of the American health system is quite decidedly unpopular. Politico's Alex Isenstadt reports:

"Democrats are turning their fire on Scott Rasmussen, the prolific independent pollster whose surveys on elections, President Obama’s popularity and a host of other issues are surfacing in the media with increasing frequency.
The pointed attacks reflect a hardening conventional wisdom among prominent liberal bloggers and many Democrats that Rasmussen Reports polls are, at best, the result of a flawed polling model and, at worst, designed to undermine Democratic politicians and the party’s national agenda. …
While Scott Rasmussen, the firm’s president, contends that he has no ax to grind — his bio notes that he has been “an independent pollster for more than a decade” and “has never been a campaign pollster or consultant for candidates seeking office” — his opponents on the left insist he is the hand that feeds conservative talkers a daily trove of negative numbers that provides grist for attacks on Obama and the Democratic Party.
Nothing, however, sets off liberal teeth gnashing more than Rasmussen’s daily presidential tracking polls, which throughout the year have consistently placed Obama’s approval numbers around 5 percentage points lower than other polling outfits.
“He polls less favorably for Democrats, and that’s why he’s become a lightning rod,” said Charles Franklin, a University of Wisconsin political scientist who studies polling. “It’s clear that his results are typically more Republican than the other person’s results."

"None of the critics have any substantive complaints about Rasmussen’s methodology. The entire article, fueled mainly by complaints from left-wing apologist Media Matters, consists of gripes about the results of Rasmussen polling. Isenstadt notes that liberal pollster Nate Silver gave Rasmussen the nod as the third-most accurate pollster in predicting outcomes of elections. They beat most of the pollsters in 2009’s New Jersey gubernatorial election, for instance, and have a long track record of highly accurate predictions," says Ed Morrisey.

I myself have said that I really don't put that much stock in polls most of the time as the answers could be easily skewed depending on the phrasing of the questions. But to attack a pollster because they don't like the way Americans are thinking at the present time is a little fascist and a lot opportunistic to say the least. Who do you think they would be quoting if they liked the numbers they saw? Who next to get thrown under the bus by the Democrat-controlled Congress? Come 2012, probably Obama himself.


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