Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama Freezes Spending

A little too late?
President Obama wants to freeze government spending on everything except essentials, i.e Pentagon spending, the war, and entitlement programs. Didn't the president chastise Bush for pretty much the same thing? Oh right, of course he did.

Economists don't think it'll make much of a difference in regards to the deficit, which Team Obama said would "cut the deficit by between $10 billion and $15 billion in fiscal 2011."
"The [economists] said the proposed freeze would not affect entitlement programs but argued it could help set a tone of fiscal discipline. " But also, "From a macro-economic perspective, I don't think there will be a huge affect in 2011," the official said.

In other words, this "freezing" has no teeth. It will encompass a 3% spending freeze over 10 years. How much do you want to bet any useless, fruitless social program will not be touched?

Here's a good breakdown and opinion piece from Moonbattery.


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