Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dems Win;Government-Run Healh Care a Reality

Good luck.

The House of Representatives passed the sweeping health care legislation in a 219-212 vote that will allegedly cover 32 million uninsured Americans and take control of 1/6 of the American economy.

The loons are going to love this, even though they don't even know what they're going to be paying for. The code words and lawyer-speak will have people paying for abortions (it'll be in there) sex-changes, breast implants and every little bit of useless cosmetic surgery that the average American will pay for whether they like it or not. The Obamaphiles in the media are going to fawn all over The One until Doomsday. It will cost a lot of Dems their jobs come November, and most likely Obama's job come 2012, but they don't care. They won, that's all that matters to them. It's all about their legacy. And what a legacy it will be. No jobs, people losing their homes, children going hungry (hear that Howard dean?) all in the name of political power. This was never about the welfare of the people, if so, why don't the members of Congress give up their coverage and accept what the average American will be getting? Say goodbye to your freedom of choice. I hope puting the radicals in power was worth it.

$940 billion anyone? Where's that coming from? Your grandchildren and then some.

By the way, blanket amnesty for the Dems illegal victims (you know, the ones they keep down for political gain) is next. Why not? They've already proven they can by-pass any rules what-so-ever to achieve what they want. The most ethical Congress EVER!


Blogger Adrienne said...

I'm devasted. I can't believe they actually pulled it off. I hope they're ready to lose their seats in November.

11:39 am  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

They better be. But I reallly don't think they care. It's all about their "legacy" and hold on power. They don't care about the people. If they did, why wouldn't they shut their mouths and open their bank accounts to share the wealth?
It's all about them and their liberal ideas that just ruined the country. Just like Rudy Giuliani said today, it "was an ideological act by the Congress, liberal Democrats "are very happy about."


1:14 am  

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