Thursday, March 25, 2010

James Cameron, Typical Elitist

Let me start off by saying, I loved The Terminator series and thoroughly enjoyed Titanic. But that having been said...

It's typical in that James Cameron can say divisive, hateful, controversial things and the liberal media will not say a thing about it, other than to pat him on the back and re-affirm his righteousness and self-affirmation as being "King of the World." In fact, in no way, shape or form will his rant be described as "controversial" by the media.

He made quite clear in his expletive-filled diatribe on Tuesday that he has no patience for global warming deniers (aka common sense truth seekers) and Glenn Beck. Once again an upholder of the ideology of "tolerance" can''t seem to tolerate any view but his own. As for the global warming bit, don't true believers in science continually try to prove themselves wrong instead of settling and staunchly defending their findings? I don't think Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin or especially Albert Einstein settled on their first, second, or 15th findings. Einstein was constantly trying to prove his own theories wrong. I do believe he would scoff at the hysterics of Al Gore and the global warming family. In fact (as a commenter on the NewsBusters story noted) didn't he say, "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."

Another commenter at the bottom of the page hit the nail smack dab on the head when he said, "... if the party roles were reversed in the media, tomorrow's NYT headlines would read......
Propaganda Director Cameron Inciting "Climate Frauds" to Assassinate Rush Limbaugh and the Like-minded: Radical Film-Maker Also Wants High-Noon Showdown with Scientists
If Rush Limbaugh were to have made these kind of loon statements, Congress would be censuring him right now. What a bunch of F------ A--holes!"

That is certainly a fact. Again, what will the MSM have to say about this and how much will they pour on the "he's such a hater" drivel? My guess is not much and none at all.

Hmm. Maybe he's still upset that his ex-wife beat him out of the Best Picture and Best Director Oscars.


Blogger Jewelz said...

I could not agree more. I was also one of the few who didn't jump on the Avatar bandwagon. It was anti-American and anti-military in subtle ways. But I too loved Terminator and Titanic.

8:41 pm  

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