Friday, March 12, 2010

Obama Congradulates the Iraqi People on Successful Elections

But no nods to the rightful architect of the success, former president Bush.

Obama/Biden voted against the surge, were against the war from the start, wanted the troops immediately pulled out years ago that would have resulted in al Qaida taking control of the country, slaughtering hundreds of thousands in the process, and he has the nerve to give Bush no credit whatsoever? Typical. Now of course, after all their ballyhooing, the left is giving Obama credit for success in Iraq? That's what their liberal textbooks will say, count on it.

"...Millions of Iraqis turned out to exorcise their right to vote with enthusiasm and optimism. Today's voting makes it clear that the future of Iraq belongs to the people of Iraq."

Who made that possible? Two men who wanted to leave Iraq in the hands of a murderous dictator, or the man who against all odds and against all obstacles made it possible?

The president did give credit to the soldiers on the ground fighting for the Iraqi people, both Iraqi and American, but not one mention to the man who took the brunt, if not all, of the insults, death threats, and media admonishment. It would have given him instant credibility from his opponents, but he just couldn't bare hearing the rage from his far-left constituents.


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