Wednesday, April 28, 2010

70% of Arizonans Support New Immigration Law

But it doesn't matter anyway, right lefties? We all know everybody in Arizona is a racist, right? (except the illegals there, of course)

Rasmussen poll...

As you can see, out of those that support the law, 50% are black and 63% are "other," which, presumably, are Latinos, Asians and Native Americans.
How will the MSM narrative of racism play out of this? Easy. It won't be reported.

*"The sub-sample of Latino likely voters must be relatively small, which would mean a large margin of error. "

Why is it whenever a popular law comes to fruition (e.g. the 2008 California law that identifies the institution of marriage as "one man and one woman") the liberal activists that represent the minority vote (as in less than majority, not ethnicity) always have to fake like it's "Un-American," "racist," or my favourite, the old, worn out charge of "nazism?" It's whatever doesn't fit their agenda of a abortion-loving, criminal-coddling, terrorist-supporting left-wing America. If you believe in the rule of law and decency, you're clearly a scum bag. Don't you know that?


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