Monday, April 26, 2010

Obama Swears to Protect Ilegals

Well the tradition of the federal government and their collective ineptitude about cracking down on and protecting it's citizens from illegal immigrants continues. Even in the most over-run, dangerous state of Arizona, where in Phoenix, kidnappings of American citizens by illegal bands of gangs are beyond rampant.

And as with past administrations, both Democrat and Republican, the president doesn't feel this is problem for the state, much less the nation; but yet this president goes even further because he wants to protect the criminals by going after the legislators who drafted this law as civil rights violators. He also called the citizens who voted for this law, "irresponsible," and the peopl ethemselves, "misguided."

Once again, a "progressive" far-left liberal politician thinks it's better to protect the criminals (to the Democrats, it's potential future voters, of course) than law-abiding citizens.

There's that liberal race-baiting again. It's not the illegals that are the problem (you know the ones that have no rights as Americans) it's the citizens themselves. You know, because they're clearly all racists.


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