Wednesday, April 28, 2010

'The Party of No' Once Again Has It's Plans Lied About

Barack Obama, the liberal media and the rest of the Democrats routinely portray the GOP as the "Party of No," just as they did during the health care debates, all the while the Republicans came forth with idea after idea as the president and MSM continually lied about GOP "blocking," "filibustering" and dependence on the "status quo."

But thanks to the liberal-hated conservative media on the web, this too is exposed as another Democrat lie.

Via Breitbart

The 20-page outline would prohibit the use of taxpayer funds to bail out failing financial giants of the future and impose federal regulation on many but not all trades of complex investments known as derivatives. It also calls for consumer protections that appear weaker than Democrats and the White House seek, and it would create new regulations on mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The outline surfaced shortly before Senate Republicans united for the second straight day to block action on White House-backed legislation designed to prevent any recurrence of the ills that led to the economic calamity of 2008. The 57-41 vote left the measure three shy of the 60 needed to advance.

H/T to Moonbattery


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