Thursday, May 06, 2010

Did BDS Cause Shahzad's Attempted Attack?

Let me play the role of devil's advocate, or in this case a loony lefty reporter/commentator. What if, as this story at NewsBusters suggests, the liberal media's Bush Derangement Syndrome over the last nine years caused Time Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad to commit his crime?
Before any of you lefties cry foul and punch your computer screens, think about all the absolutely insane theories put forth by the likes of the MSNBC crew (especially those of the deplorable Kieth Olbermann) and other Bush-haters over the years. Add the networks coddling of John Murtha, John Kerry and Michael Moore (as one commenter pointed out) and their idea of U.S. soldiers being "cold-blooded killers"

Seriously, compare any rant by Olbermann, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews and others over the years to the hypothesis by Noel Sheppard and tell me this doesn't have even a thimble full of credibility.


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