Monday, May 24, 2010

Student Suspended for Bringing Rosary Beads to School

In these times of *ahem* religious freedom and so-called tolerance (of any and all religions except Christianity) it seems anyone of "foreign" religious beliefs are treated with the utmost respect and decency-even honored by some left-wing institutions. Up here in Canada, observers of Sikhism are allowed to carry a Kirpan, a sword or dagger meant to "be used to prevent violence from being done to a defenseless person when all other means to do so have failed," that must be worn by all followers of the faith that have reached the age of majority adhered by the faith. It is against the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to disallow followers of Sikhism to carry it.

Of course, much has been made of Muslim women wearing the burka lately, especially in Great Britain, but again it is a part of the strict adherence of the Islamic faith for Muslim women to wear them and in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, they cannot be asked or told to not to adorn them.

So why would a high school student be suspended for wearing a symbol of his Christian faith? Simple. Christianity is a dirty word these days and any excuse to disallow followers to express any devotion to it is not only tolerated, but seemingly the rule in today's world. That world now includes a 70% plus Christian America. Even Atheists (with the exception of the ignorant and intolerant Bill Maher's and others who would like to do away with the Ten Commandments in public places-even though a heavy majority of Americans say they are not to be touched-and "In God We Trust" on currency, or crosses honoring fallen servicemen and women) are, oddly enough, seemingly more tolerant of any and all religions than academic institutions these days.

I guess it's just a matter of time before Christians are thrown to the lions once more.


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