Thursday, June 03, 2010

About That Whole Flotilla Thing

I couldn't agree more...

How do warts like the oh, so irrelevant and prehistoric Helen Thomas even think they know what the hell they're talking about? Why do morons continue the left-wing media's portrayal and Middle East propaganda of the "Palestinians" plight against the "evil" Israeli's? Are they all graduates of disgraced Ward Churchill? Do they subscribe to the on-going Hitler lies of Israeli's harvesting Palestinian children's organs or drinking their blood? Why do pseudo intellectuals and idiotic university students that allow themselves to be taught what to think continue to buy into history's lies about the role of the Jewish people?

Does anyone do any research or read a real history book anymore? Does everyone of these lunatics believe anything the liberal media tells them without raising any doubt or ask any questions? What is it about the uninformed that makes them so easily anti-Semitic and just swallow whatever they're told because someone on the news or some paranoid or hysterical anti-Semitic "expert" writes a book without giving any Jewish point of view or a reference of history. All these morons that wear terrorist scarves and chant "Death to Israel," do they even know he history of the region? I've never been to the Middle East and I'm no expert on Middle East history, but then I'm not the one calling for the death of innocent Israeli children.

Does the fact that a tiny nation surrounded by enemies has to be vigilant against a determined people that has the destruction of said tiny nation in their charter? I mean, who's lobbing daily missiles at who and who is defending their way of life?

Peaceful, unarmed civilian activists? Mm hm, right. But of course the lefty media and pundit swill have a field day with this one, once again defying evidence to vilify Israel as blood-thirsty killers.

All this crap, sadly, will never be solved until; as has been said, there will never be peace until the "Palestinians" love their children as much as they hate the Jews. If the Arab nations lay down their arms, there will be peace. If Israel does, they get eradicated. You want proof? Check out how Arabs are treated in Israel (especially in the hospitals) and do the same for how Israelis are treated in Lebanon, for example...if they survive the first night.

And...Joe Biden and (some of) the Dems are defending Israel? Can't be.
I think I've defended the guy one other time-just before he was sworn in as Vice-President, when he saluted W. as he took off into the wild blue yonder on inauguration day. But if Hairplug Joe can see the truth, what the hell is wrong with the rest of Washington?
Of course, he'll probably "clarify" his remarks when the left jumps on him, but for now good for him.

Oh, and by the way... Like I said, peaceful...right.


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