Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Comparison

No one doubts the almost "brilliance" of President Barack Obama when he speaks publicly. whether you believe he is a dominant communicator in the vein of Ronald Reagan, John Kennedy, or Abraham Lincoln, or merely made to look that way due to over-receptive crowds , teleprompters and speech-writers. He does have the uncanny ability to mesmerize a crowd when he steps up to a microphone.

But his glorious turns at the mic, as some may see them, are really not all that comparative when put up alongside great speeches and even off the cuff remarks by former presidents throughout history.

It seems to me the halo has lost it's luster and the wheels of myth about the man are losing a few lugnuts each and every day:

Granted, a lot is taken out of context, but still.

H/T to Moonbattery.


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