Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ok, Who Are These Guys and What Did They Do with Olbermann and Matthews?

Maybe it's a Republican rouse. Maybe it's a part of that vast right-wing conspiracy. Maybe they're pod people, but the Obama-loving pair of Kieth Olbermann and Chris Matthews over at MSNBC were actually critical of President Obama's address to the nation last night. I kid you not.

It has to be official now. The MSM is now tired of Obama's waffeling and inexperience. They would never say that mind you, after all they've invested in the last two years building up the guy, protecting and making endless excuses for him. When Olberloon and Tingle are bashing the guy, is Hopey/Changey seen it's end?

Yeeaah, probably not. The real Olbie and Chrissy will be back tomorrow, I'm sure.


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