Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Who Cares" if President Golfs During Crisis?

That's what the Washington Post claimed about President Barack Obama hitting the links during the latest enviornmental disaster that is the BP oil spill. Writer, Stephen Stromberg says, "Surely even the president deserves -- and probably needs -- some downtime, even now."

To his credit, Stromberg does mention that, "it was unfair when Michael Moore did this to George W. Bush," referring to Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft's piece on how Obama is spending too much time on the golf course when he should be more involved in the spill, yet, ealier in the article he says, "Hoft’s dismissive, one-word take: “Leadership.” My reaction: So what?"

So what? Well, that's not what his buddies and fellow Obama apologists were at the Post were saying in 2002.

Bias? What bias?


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