Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How Will the Media Spin This One?

If they even report it at all? Have you heard, left-wing entrepreneur and Democrat cash cow, George Soros, stands to make out like a bandit if American oil companies (which as an investor, you'd think lefty-moonbats and "journalists" that pretend to be irate over the BP oil spill like Kieth Olbermann, who would normally have him as an automatic "Worstest Person in the World," are strangely mum on this "Big Oil" guy) have to take their businesses elsewhere because of President Obama's on again/off again relationship with Big Oil and drilling offshore?

Elsewhere such as...Brazil? Which is exactly where Soros is heavily invested in a company called, Petrobras, a Brazilian-owned oil company.

I wonder if the Daily Koz will do a little blurb about this? Nah, probably not.

UPDATE: Tammy Bruce has a good piece on it.


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