Saturday, June 12, 2010

WaPo Columnist Whines that Obama is Human Afterall

From the time he announced his candidacy for president, the left-wing media anointed Barack Obama the second coming. Newsweek and TIME magazines had a plethora of articles (complete with cover shots of him situated just right in front of lights so as he would like like he had a halo) liberal journalists and pundits praised him endlessly as the man who would change the world. Some even compared him as Jesus Christ or God. Oprah Winfrey dubbed him "The One," and the media ran with it. Obama himself even said that he and his wife (I'm assuming) were the "the one's the world has been waiting for."

Now that his ineffectualness and inexperience is showing by leaps and bounds, the Washington Post's Paul Starobin wants everyone to lay off President Obama. He even commands America to "wake up!"
Starobin is a wee bit upset that the president is now shown to be fallible. He's upset that Obama has now been exposed as being out of his league and a deer in the headlights. This isn't just about BP either. He has shown to be the wrong person for the job since day one. Is it American's fault that Obama is the lackluster president that he is? Well, yes; at least the fault of roughly 53 million people who voted for him. I'm sure the mainstream media and their non-vetting of the former junior senator, along with their love for anything not George W. Bush that helped to whitewash anything negative about Obama didn't help matters.

But apparently, Starobin wants everyone to remain in fawn-mode. He pleads for everyone to have patience for the president. For a guy who has held the office for a year and a half (basically half of what will surely be his entire term) how much patience for him are Americans supposed to show? For a guy with the same exact mindset that blames Bush for everything that gives liberals like him a headache, it's about time that people like Starobin realize Americans (even people that have buyer's remorse in voting for Obama, including some members of the liberal press) have woken up. That's why the backlash and condemnation for the president. Is everything going wrong in the Obama camp his fault? No. But you can't sell someone as Superman and then be upset when the people start to realize he's just Clark Kent in a media-adorned cape.


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