Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oh Brilliant!

President Obama is now officially the most brilliant president to ever grace the Oval Office. Ok, so he made a poor choice when he made reference to his bowling score being a Special Olympic moment. Yeah, it was sort of ridiculous when he said police "acted stupidly" when they inadvetantly arrested a professor in a home that he was renting, but had to break into; resulting in the so-called "Beer Summit," which was a total waste of time and nothing more than a useless photo-op.

Then there's the really stupid things that he really could have avoided (like beginning his political career in the living room of a known, admitted, domestic terrorist) like keeping quite and not backing Iranian dissenters in their last, rigged election to keep Ahmedinawhackjob in office, or putting a admitted Socialist/Truther in the Energy cabinet, or how about allowing Air Force One fly over Manhattan, New York, reminiscent of 9/11?

Well, speaking of 9/11, the Great Leader, in all his wisdom, searching desperately it seems, to find any analogy to tie into the BP spill so people will feel sorry for him and not focus in on his most recent example of ineptitude; compared the oil spill in the Gulf to September 11, 2001.

Let's see, create bad relations with Germany...check. Create bad relations with Israel...check. Oh wait, we're forgetting someone. Oh right, let's create a divide between America and long-standing ally, Great Britain...check.

Outstanding. Get this guy a Fields Medal.


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