Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Buy Insurance, Fund Abortion!

Here's something you didn't ask for, you may not have even wanted, but you're getting it whether you like it or not. Remember when the media was calling conservative politicians, pundits and radio personalities misleading and of course racist, for warning people how Obamacare will force abortion into the bill due to the government-run insurance you're going to (and probably already have) be forced to purchase will be taxpayer subsidized? Insurance rates will skyrocket, forcing employers to dump their private insurance and buy government insurance (along with all the limitations and outright eliminations of certain benefits) The Obamamedia willingly sold this predictable and fortold lie to America with a big smile on thie rfaces and a public celebration followed. They insisted that ObamaCare would not allow for federal funding of abortion.

You'll be paying for it, no matter your personal convictions. Which will probably be the norm once the Obama administration threatens limited funds for healthcare for those state's governments that dare oppose him, and even entertain the thought of opting out. Maryland and Pennsylvania have joined those who will be finding the truth out about "death panels," too.
But, not to fear. Actually, all this is not government-mandated insurance, it's just another "tax" by Democrats.

Oh, and expect along with that, pregnant teenage girls not having to tell their parents.


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