Monday, July 19, 2010

For Liberals, An Accusation is Enough

They're still at it. And Andrew Breitbart is still waiting. Being a Liberal, and especially being a member of the liberal press, means never having to say you're sorry and never needing actual proof when condemning the right, be it politicians, radio hosts, pundits, or citizens.

Not unlike the crucifix the left loves continually to put Rush Limbaugh on. The only "evidence" associating him with any kind of racist remarks are Wikipedia quotes that have no audio or visual proof liking him to those comments. But lefties like Kieth Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz and Chris Matthews simply repeat, ad naseum, those fallacies with help from Olbermann's favorite "news" sources, the loony, lefty blogs and TA DA! Rush Limbaugh is a racist.

George Will was on ABC's This Week, to once again to try and generate any proof that black congressmen were spat on and were assailed with racial epitaphs. And once again he was unsuccessful in getting anyone representing the left to put forth any proof concerning these, and by now there can be no doubt it that these accusations are just, bold-faced lies. The NAACP puts through some irrelevant "racist elements in the Tea Party" resolution and TA DA! The Tea Party is racist. Oh wait. They were racist a long time ago. Didn't MSNBC show a man at a rally where the president was speaking carrying an assault rifle and a side arm? Wait, that was a black Tea Partier. Don't show his face. Infiltrators at a Tea Party rally? Make sure to lump them in with the real Tea Partiers and say they want to hurt and discredit the president-Calling Rick Sanchez, calling Contessa Brewer! Oh wait, she's not busy anymore, calling Janine Garafolo! How about pictures of Barack Obama with a Hitler mustache? The left didn't seem to mind when it happened to George W. Bush you see, but ah, what are facts and hypocrisy to the left?

How long will this crap go on for? I'd like to see them use the non-footage against the Tea Party
in November to try and further paint the movement as racist. Along with the recent NAACP resolution, you just know they're going to try and use that transparent and increasingly weak card. Go ahead. That collective laugh you'll be hearing is the sound of common sense and the Dems losing control of Congress.

The simple fact is the Tea Party is a movement that the DNC didn't see coming and don't respect as a real movement. In all their arrogance, they expected with the election of Barack Obama as their ticket to roll everything they wanted, unchallenged, right through Congress. When not everyone agreed with their policies with loving, open arms (read: the Healthcare law) they were Astroturfers, anti-American, racist, "scared" of a black president (nothing to do with his policies mind you, only his skin color) and violent. So violent that that the Department of Homeland Security had them labeled as "right-wing extremists."

It would all be hilarious if it was not so blatantly dishonest and utterly sickening.


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