Race As A Political Weapon
The Democrats are running scared. They know their days are numbered as a majority in the Congress. They might, just might hang on to the Senate with one or two seats, but the House is gone. To combat this, they roll out their most guilt-laden propaganda arm they have, the NAACP to condemn the Tea Party as racists. They unfairly and knowingly malign the Republicans as racists (as the newly revealed "JournoList" e-mails point out what the right has known for years; biased, liberal journalists will do and say anything to hide their love of everything Democrat and hatred for anything conservative-Republican, including massive lies and cover-ups)
It started, well actually long before the formation of the Tea Party movement, but today's vitriol of the media started around the time of the health care debate (which the Dems wouldn't really allow) when ignorant and nasty jackasses like Kieth Olbermann, Chris Matthews, et al, starting pushing the old race card because no matter how much you may disagree with the president's policies, don't dare make them public you RACIST! And you are, y'know. Why? Because the president is black. A wonderful, historical piece of history ruined because the Dems would rather try and make you feel guilty about your core beliefs by placing them in a context made from whole cloth rather than deal with legitimate concerns about your country. He's the worst president since Jimmy Carter. Racist! He's a Socialist/Marxist. Racist! He has no experience. Racist! It's all getting really pathetic, really fast.
In the Shirley Sherrod debacle, everyone is doing to Andrew Breitbart exactly what they accused him of, exacting ill will on a man who was given a video (I don't know if he personally edited it or not) who put it on his web page for all to see, then it turns out it wasn't in it's full context. Well, boo-freakin'-hoo! The left has been doing this to the right for years, decades even. Now that they've been given a little taste (And I do mean a little) of their own medicine, the left in unison is crying foul, as usual. As it turns out, Sherrod's case was one of redemption, it seems. Good. Excellent. But what about the applause Sherrod got from the NAACP crowd in the video when she regaled everyone there about when she didn't want to help the white farmer? No one on the left wants to discuss that. Or what about at the 21-minute mark where the supposed "full, in-context" video is edited to the NAACP's liking? What are we not supposed to see or hear? Of course, once again, FOX News is to blame for Sherrod's resignation. She says she was "snookered" by Breitbart and FNC, as members of the Democrats, like Howard Dean are only too happy to go along with either out of a necessary lie to take the attention off of the abysmal job of the Congress and President Obama, or out of pure ignorance and hatred for FOX News. Only Sherrod had resigned before FOX had shown the video, out of context or otherwise. Of course the New York Times had to get their two cents in and continues the "Blame FOX" lie.
Steve Doocy (FOX & Friends)
And in lieu of any cerebral home runs on my part, let me guide you to some smarter and more in the know people than myself that have a pretty good take on the latest "propaganda for votes" Democrat scheme.
Victor David Hanson (The New Racial Mess)
The left is using their reliable allies in the NAACP, an organization that used to stand for decency and equality as their brownshirts, in effect, in an attempt to launch their automated heat-seeking missiles right into the dead-center of white America's guilt. The problem for the left on this one is, people are waking up to fraudulence of it all. They're starting to see right through it, some have for many years. And with the release of the JournoList "made up accusations to be" plan, along with 15-time N-word assault on members of the Congressional Black Caucus that never happened. Marching pro-Obamacare members of the CBC through a "ugly, racist crowd of Tea Partiers" didn't look like a set-up for any potential problems (they hoped) to you now did it? Especially when they could have easily walked through a tunnel from the Capital building to the House of Representatives.
They were looking, nay, hoping for an altercation to run their little "the Tea Party/conservatives/Republicans/the right-wing are pure unadulterated racists scam. When one didn't materialize, they made it up, pure and simple. And people like Kieth Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Bob Shieffer (with his latest bellowing of supreme hypocrisy) and every other lefty television personality continue to keep up that lie without a shred of proof; even when there were television cameras, video cell phones and other personal recording devices in abundance, even carried by the members of the CBC themselves. Yet, not one piece of video has come forward showing any type of racial epitaphs directed towards them. Not one!
Basically, the left wants to use the NAACP as a puppet organization (as well as La Raza) to keep blacks and Hispanics in state of fear and hate towards "whitey." More minorities under their spell, means more votes and more unhinged power. Nevermind that they dumb down SAT prerequisites for blacks under the guise of "balancing the playing field," condone the mass abortions of black babies and tell them "you need us, you're not smart or independent enough without government control and intervention. You deserve your entitlements!" Of course when they get used to those entitlements, they become dependent on the government even more; which means even more votes for the Democrats. How insulting! The real Uncle Tom's aren't black conservatives, it's the black Democrats that want to do their own people harm by shoveling this liberal crap at them to keep them down and needy.
Basically, the left wants to use the NAACP as a puppet organization (as well as La Raza) to keep blacks and Hispanics in state of fear and hate towards "whitey." More minorities under their spell, means more votes and more unhinged power. Nevermind that they dumb down SAT prerequisites for blacks under the guise of "balancing the playing field," condone the mass abortions of black babies and tell them "you need us, you're not smart or independent enough without government control and intervention. You deserve your entitlements!" Of course when they get used to those entitlements, they become dependent on the government even more; which means even more votes for the Democrats. How insulting! The real Uncle Tom's aren't black conservatives, it's the black Democrats that want to do their own people harm by shoveling this liberal crap at them to keep them down and needy.
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