Sunday, August 08, 2010

The Desperate Faces of Barack Obama

Will Bush-bashing help Democrats win over weary voters?

That's the question. The reason Barack Obama and the Democrats are asking themselves, and indeed implementing it into their battle plan for the November elections, is that the president's so-called "ideas" have resulted in exactly bubkiss. Stimulus? Hasn't worked other to raise unemployment to almost 10%. Cash for Clunkers? Not so good. Immigration? No different than the last 20 years. However, what's interesting is the president and the media won't tell you about how they've used quite a number of Bush ideas and policies. Guantanamo Bay? Still not closed. Certain provisions of the Patriot Act? Still in effect. A new SWIFT deal? The war in Iraq? Still not over. And there's still the matter of the Bush tax cuts that are soon set to expire.

So when the Democrats start desperately whining about how it's "still Bush's fault" keep in mind how that seems like a cry for a distraction due to no feasible, substantial, tangible ideas on their part. Afterall, why decry the previous administration if all your ideas and policies are so wonderful and successful?


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