Thursday, August 12, 2010

Liberal Think Tank Dispels Myth of Bush Tax Cuts Just for the Rich

For years the liberal media has tried to paint the inaccurate picture that Republican tax cuts only favor the rich. Well, their one of their own favourite sources, the Tax Policy Center, a division of the liberal Brookings Institution, has issued a report that doesn't exactly gel with their wishful assessments.

Check out the PDF

"According to Treasury, the total ten-year cost of completely extending the Bush tax cuts is $3.675 trillion. The ten-year cost exclusively associated with extending tax cuts to folks Obama, the Democrats, and the media consider rich is $679 billion.
This means that almost $3 trillion of the cost associated with the Bush tax cuts over the next ten years, or 82 percent, IS NOT for benefits to the so-called rich.
As such, despite what the Left and their media minions have been claiming, 82 percent of the Bush tax cuts benefited the poor, middle-class, and upper-middle class in this country. "

H/T to Newsbusters and Noel Sheppard

So, if and when the Democrats choose to let the Bush tax cut expire, they'll choose to do away with $3 Trillion in tax cuts for the middle class?
How will the liberal pundits, MSM and those whackos over at A Mess NBC spin this one?


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