Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pataki Punks Matthews

Via NewsBusters.
Former New York Governor, George Pataki was on Hardball last night and he, like myself, had just about enough of the lefty media harping on Rush Limbaugh (I mean isn't Barack Hussein Obama the president's name?) and never pointing out the pure, unadulterated crap of Keith Olbermann. Matthews has been called on his hypocrisy before, but as usual, he tries his pathetic attempt at spin. Matthews also conveniently forgets that even prominent Democrats are opposed to the Mosque.

"In New York State, the Democratic governor and the Democratic speaker are opposed to it. Harry Reid has come out against it.
There is bipartisan opposition."

"...the developer, so-called developer of this project, earlier, about a year or so ago, plunked down $4.9 million in cash to buy the site. A year-and-a-half before that, he was a waiter. He then plunked down $5 million to buy the second site and got a mortgage in excess of $20 million or $30 million, a guy who was a waiter as a restaurant a year-and-a-half ago.
People are asking him the source of that almost $10 million in cash. He won`t answer the questions."

Yet, Matthews, Olbermann, Maddow; they'd all have you believe it's a right-wing, Islamophobic, racist deal.

Liberalism means never having to say you're sorry about making things up, or having to worry about being called on your ever-present hypocrisy. Especially when your guests are 99% liberal.


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