Thursday, September 02, 2010

Al Gore Creating Terrorists?

It's not such a crazy theory, given the loony liberal mindset of today's left-wing pundits and television hosts. If this guy watched "An Inconvenient Truth" and had an "awakening," that made him decide to burst into the Discovery Channel building with weapons and bombs strapped to himself and take hostages, doesn't the blame lie with Gore?

"Lee said at the time that he experienced an 'awakening' when he watched former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental documentary ‘‘An Inconvenient Truth."

I mean if Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are making people "angry" and "hateful" towards the president, doesn't this mean that Gore is responsible for creating an environmental terrorist? And if there's one, there's bound to be more nuts like him.

Once again (and it's never ending) a lefty goes postal and the lefty media ignores it (or claims he that he's a conservative or Tea Partier or something) Let's see the unstable morons at The Mess (hello Schultz) spin this one, which they're certainly going to do.
And I guess those "crazy" global warming skeptics aren't looking so crazy anymore now are they?


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