Monday, September 20, 2010

And So It Goes...

I guess the term "climate change" wasn't good or convincing enough, or the elitists fear the uninformed (or easily manipulated) are waking up to their propaganda, so I guess a another name change was in order. Oh, it's not a far-out there change like "man-made disasters" (terrorism) or not liberal, but "progressive." What is so "progressive" about liberalism anyway?
I guess if they change the name enough, someone might actually believe it. This time, the change is from "global warming" (I thought they had changed it to "climate change" a couple of years ago) to "global climate disruption." I guess there's so much snake-oil left in their wharehouses that they have to re-label everything to sell it.

They'll just keep on doing this. If their BS message isn't getting across to those other than the left-wing moonbats, they must change tactics and try, try again. Because doesn't everybody know that global warming really means global cooling and vice-versa? Again, the definition of insanity? Trying the same things over and over, hoping for a different response. Mass hysteria tends to do that.


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