Thursday, September 23, 2010

More Lies From MSNBC

The extreme arm of the Democrat Party continues to allow their on-air (non) personalities to fil the airwaves with perpetual lies of the GOP. This time, Sgt. "Burn this place down" Schultz, along with Ohio Democrat Senator Sherrod Brown, tried to convince their ever-shrinking audience that the Republican Party's new "Pledge to America" doesn't include job creation.
"This was just released a few moments ago from the Associated Press. They're calling it the 'Pledge to America. The 'Pledge to America' is to cut taxes, cut federal spending, repeal healthcare, and ban federal funding for abortion. Nothing in there about job creation...Those are the four main points."

Um, Mr. Ed, you may want to look at this. You'll notice that the very first points in the pledge were about jobs. I guess Mr Schultz can't read, or at the very least gets someone else to do his "research" for him.

NewsBusters has the full story.

Nothing new from The Mess.


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