Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Human Events Reporter Assaulted

Apparently MSNBC's Ed Schultz forgot to tell his incredibly shrinking audience about how a petite, caucasian Human Events reporter, Emily Miller was accosted by a black, bigoted liberal woman at Schultzy's "One Nation" rally. Of course (and this is getting really nauseating) once again, not a peep from the MSM.

"The reporter, Emily Miller, who was videotaping Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) was first hit from behind while she was taping Rangel in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Miss Miller is heard on the video saying, 'Please don't hit me.' The protester proceeds to yell at the reporter, 'Well get out of the way! What do you think this is? A--hole.' The activist was attempting to meet Rangel herself. Miss Miller continued videotaping the event, when suddenly the same unhinged protester lunged at her, hit her on the arm, and yelled, 'Don't take my picture.'"

As Van Helsing over at Moonbatery.com says, "Imagine the deafening shrieks from the media if a black reporter showed up at a Tea Party and was assailed by a Caucasian Amazon?"

Where's the outrage from the left? Where's the accusations of bigotry from the "One Nation" crowd? Where's the dicussions of "One Nation" anger and resentment. Where's the accusations of far-left fringes and "ugliness?"

Isn't it funny that there is absolutely no evidence of Tea Party bigotry and hatred, but almost every moment of left-wing hatred and intolerence is captured on video almost every time and the left-wing media still deny it, lie about it and continually try to spin it?


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