Monday, October 25, 2010

Reid Lies about "Saving the World from Depression," Ed Schultz Lies About Reid Not Saying It

Once again, the arsonist-in-the-making, Sgt. Ed Schultz of MSNBC "fame," (I put in his place of employment since many of you-like the rest of the world-probably don't know who this guy is, thanks to his minuscule to no his entire network) has put his colossal foot in his ample mouth while trying to defend the likely future ex-Senator Harry Reid. After Reid arrogantly and falsely claimed that "...but for me we'd be in a worldwide depression," Schultz has the gall to claim he didn't say just that and that internet bigwigs like Matt Drudge and Andrew Breitbart are not only liars for exposing Reid, but for exposing Schultz's amateur reporting, complete bias and interview style.

"Angle's buddies in the conservative media are also lying about my interview with Senator Reid. They love to take things out of context to make Reid look as bad as possible. Take a look at how Drudge, "The Drudge Report," cherry-picked the interview. It reads, "But for me, we'd be in a worldwide depression."
That was half the sentence, Drudge, you liar.
America`s other biggest online liar, Andrew Breitbart, posted the same headline with video clips that take Reid completely out of the context. But this is the reason why Harry Reid doesn`t do a lot of national interviews."

Actually the reason Reid doesn't do a lot national interviews is because he's an old coot who suffers from delusions of grandeur and would be called on his B.S...unless he's being interviewed by the likes of Schultz.

So, let's go to the video tape...

SCHULTZ: The state [Nevada] has dropped farther than any other state?

HARRY REID: Oh yes, because we were at the top and we`ve fallen very hard. So people have been hurting, and I understand that, and it doesn`t give them comfort or solace for me to tell them, you know, but for me we'd be in a worldwide depression. They want to know what I have done for them.

Schultz is so desperate to save the job of any Democrat, especially the majority leader out of Nevada, he will literally try and revise history, not only right in front of your eyes, but only four days after everyone saw and heard what Reid said. In complete context.
This man is truly pathetic. What's worse is that any Dem that allows him or herself to be interviewed by this guy is just sticking his or her head in the lion's mouth.


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