Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Disgusting! Anti-Capitalist Morons Strike Again

Wealth is created, not re-distributed. History has proved it time and time again. Of course, one must remember that the left and their Socialist bureauweenie allies can't comprehend history, nevermind learn from it. Small businesses are the cornerstone of enterprise. Yet some liberal elitists wish to kill the dreams of aspiring entrepreneurs before they even get started to satisfy their own sick vision of some Marxist utopia. Remember this one? Well, they weren't satisfied with making a little girl cry and putting the kibosh on something kids have been doing for generations. Heck, even I used to sell Kool-Aid (you know, the actual drink) for 25 cents a glass. A recent debacle in a New York suburb has raised some eyebrows as well.

Have they no shame? (rhetorical)

Excellent post by a commentor,
"Those kids should have quit school, signed up for welfare, and turned their street into an open-air drug market. Then, the liberal overlords would sympathize with them as put-upon youth victims of society.
Liberal bureaucrats don't seem to have a problem with that type of capitalism."


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