Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Assange Threatens to Drop "a Bomb" If Caught

Julian Assange, the rat that has aired America's dirty laundry for all the world to see (per usual, these hate America dirtbags don't see the controversy or wrongdoings of say a North Korea or Cuba, but I digress) has threatened to drop a "poison" Wikileaks bomb if he's "killed or "arrested."
Everybody is finally starting to figure out this guy is no good and is only championing his own anti-American agenda.

For anyone of you Assange fans out there (e.g. Code Pink and the like) I know you hate your own country (but yet you still stay and enjoy all of her benefits you hypocrites) but even you and your limited brainwaves have to understand that he is puting your country at risk. That includes your safety and freedoms too. Wake up!


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