Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dana Loesch Schools the Ignorant Client Number Nine

The wonderfully educated Dana Loesch was on CNN's Parker-Spitzer and gave the disgraced, former New York governor, Eliot Spitzer the what-for. Spitzer's argument on deficits and tax cuts was filled with faulty logic and premises. Despite the fact that his argument is built on the unstable foundation of falsehoods and errors, Loesch still knocks Spitzer around the studio a few times.

Why do these lunkheads even try? Whenever-and I mean whenever-a lib tries to argue with a conservative, the lib gets their prevervial behind handed to them every single time. Facts and logic over emotion and ignorance every time.


Blogger Adrienne said...

I know - why do they even try? They look soooo stupid. Eliot Spitzer knows nothing about economics, taxes, deficit, etc. He rose to fame as an atty general who was on a massive power trip in his career and extra curricular activities. I'm glad Loesch schooled him. What a slime.

2:10 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Amen, sister.

3:04 am  

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