Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Obama Brings in the Big Guns

Apparently, the "One" isn't so big and influential as his Kool-Aid drinkers in the lefty media thought he was. He's having so much trouble selling his Bush tax cuts extension/unemployment benefits extension deal he made with the Republicans (which just goes to show that the Democrats want it their way, all the time. No compromise, no agreements, just hard-left law-making)

Obama had to bring in former Democrat president and folk hero, Bill Clinton to try and convince the whiny, hard-left Democrats that not only are the deal a good one (something I'm sure he had to choke on before he himself had to digest it) but it was the only option available with the stand made by the Republicans.

A deal was made. Nobody got exactly what they wanted (the Republicans their tax cut extensions across the board and the Democrats their foot on their throats of the rich) but that wasn't good enough for the Dems and with Obama not being the Wonderkid everybody assumed he was (again, people voted for him not because of who he is or has done, but because of who they thought he was going to be-"turning back the tide, healing the planet," etc) so he brought in the first black president to calm the masses and try to convince them of the obvious. Give Obama credit, he did what he had to do. He made a deal. He worked with the other side. Of course that wouldn't have happened if the Dems still controlled the House and they were able to just "obamacare" everything and say "screw you" to the American people and their concerns, especially the middle class.

You wouldn't have seen Bush bring in Reagan if he were still alive. That's the difference between a seasoned politician-a leader-and some inexperienced narcissist who's over his head. I mean really, doesn't this say boatloads about Obama's confidence and ability (or lack thereof) to sell his agenda to the American people? Wasn't he the do no wrong, brilliant auditory phenom that could sell prescription glasses to a blind man? Apparently not. But we all knew that, didn't we?


Blogger Adrienne said...

I'm so glad to read your take on this. I couldn't believe my eyes!! What just happened? I couldn't believe that Obama just left the room and left Clinton there to speak with the Presidential seal behind him. What the heck!! I think Obama's losing his grip on reality.

The Dems seem to be in a civil war right now. Obama threw them under the bus with healthcare and now they're throwing him under the bus with this compromise. You're right, a deal was made. No one got exactly what they wanted but that's why it's a compromise. Very strange times.

4:30 pm  
Blogger Northern Exposer said...

Imagine if the next Republican president brought in Bush for a pep talk. How much fawning by the press do you think there would be?

And really, I can't believe Obama just left the room! I don't know, maybe he late for tee time.

12:30 am  

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