Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Another Left Wing Shooter the Media Failed to Mention Was Left Wing

So Clay Duke, the man who opened fire on a Florida school board on Dec. 14, posted a “last testament” on Facebook decrying the wealthy and linking to a slew of progressive sites including theprogressivemind.info and MediaMatters.org.

So, clearly it was liberal TV-hate like Kieth Olbermann, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and the like, along with Media Matters that drove this guy to take hostages by gunpoint before firing off rounds and eventually killing himself after a lone security guard filled him with holes, right? I mean, isn't that the default argument of the liberal media these days? So among a plethora of violent, liberal hate-inspired loons; a lefty flies a plane into the IRS building, punks assaulting war veterans, a guy who watches too much liberal hate and attempts to shoot school officials, all due to hate-mongering by the left, compared to Tea Party protesters who have never hurt anyone, and the Tea Partiers are the violent ones? Does anyone but the staunchest far-gone "progressive" really believe this crap?

Right. And Christians do this stuff everyday in America compared to the peaceful and misunderstood Muslims in, say, Egypt, for example.
Same argument, same lame white-washing and tolerance for violence by the American left.

These people don't revere Stalin, Pol Pot, Gueverrea, Castro and Hitler for nothing.


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